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普拉达小饰品被迫下架还是因为这个原因 时尚圈怎么了?参考消息网1月10日报道 美国《华盛顿邮报》网站2018年12月15日刊登了《说真的,普拉达,你在想什么?为什么时尚行业总是笨手笨脚地触碰种族主义意象》,作者为罗宾·吉夫汉,文章摘编如下:


美国当前和未来的政策看起来模糊不清或者根本没有。无论是盟友还是敌人,都感到失控,因为他们必须等待,看看美国总统的推特上正在酝酿着什么将要爆发的风暴。Current and future U.S. policies look vague or non-existent.Allies as well as enemies feel out of control as they have to wait and see what storms are brewing in the U.S. president‘s Twitter feed, about to be unleashed.

Current uncertainty and worries are clearly reflected in the financial markets. Investors are fleeing into assets that are deemed safe such as gold, U.S. Treasuries and the dollar.They still flock to the U.S. on a massive scale whereas a lot of the current insecurity derives directly from the White House.At the same time, we are seeing more and more commentaries around the question whether a shift is taking place, slowly but surely, from the dollar toward other currencies.
