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Tensions caused by trade have started to spread to other areas。 The U.S。 is now claiming that China has become its main strategic competitor, even accusing it of interfering in elections and seeking to challenge American global hegemony。 At the international level, globalism and multilateralism are under attack, and the resurgence of geopolitical and power competition, mixed with populism and protectionism, are weakening the bonds built among countries in recent decades。 These uncertainties seem poised to drag the world back to the turbulent years of the early 20th century。


5月1日,特斯拉中国宣布,Model 3标准续航版价格由30.355万元下调至27.155万元。根据国家信息中心统计数据,售价30万-40万元、40万元以上的车型销量占比仅分别为5.1%、4.3%;而售价在20万-30万元区间的车型销量占比为13.6%。

Looking back at history, directional change is not made in a particular moment or through a single event but rather through the accumulation of many small adjustments to specific problems。 The big picture only reveals itself later。 In this light, the choices China and the U.S。 make now will reverberate for a long time to come。


文 | 常涛近日,魅族股权变更引发了外界对于掌门人黄章(又名黄秀章)是否失去公司控制权以及公司前景的猜疑。据中新经纬5月5日了解到的信息,这是一场由于第三方查询工具错误标注而引发的“误会”。不过,对于魅族和黄章来说,迎来新资本注入后如何继续往下走,似乎仍没一条清晰的道路。
