And we all know how that ended in 1914-18. It was not a happy result.And so my view is that rather than focusing on Brexit, what the EU and the UK both need to focus on is how the Europeans collectively can use the influence we can have over the united states, to broker solutions between the united states and china and India, that reshape the global system in a way that is comfortable for both the united states and for china and for India to live in. So that we can achieve a peaceful coexistence.
“几家抬”助力小微 定向降准未完待续中国证券报□本报记者彭扬由于小微企业风险相对较高,金融机构为其服务往往动力不足。接受中国证券报记者采访的专家表示,提升金融服务小微企业内在动力的关键在于加强风险防控,从根本上激励和引导银行业推进小微企业金融服务。随着前期政策效果逐步显现,未来仍有可能继续出台定向降准措施,为金融机构持续加大小微企业信贷投放提供正向激励。
The city of London is the most important financial center in Europe, and one of the three most important financial centers in the world. In order for it to continue to be of great importance, those firms that are located in London will need to be able to go on doing business from London in Europe. They will only be able to do that if the financial services regulatory arrangements in London are recognized as equivalent by the European Union in just the same way that the European Union recognizes the regulations of the sec in New York as equivalent to EU regulation. So it‘s very unlikely that even our financial services regulation will diverge very far from EU financial services regulation.